Your drivers will receive hands-on, tailored instruction from our expert trainers, who will deliver the Safe & Smart® Principles of Defensive Driving curriculum in the same vehicles your drivers use on the job.
Defensive driving is the critical awareness skill drivers need to reduce the risk of accidents, injuries and even fatalities on the road.
Our advanced curriculum goes beyond abstract lessons to immerse drivers in realistic scenarios using a unique “See, Decide, Act” approach. To make the training even more impactful, it can be tailored to focus on specific skills or problem areas, and for any type of vehicle, from heavy-duty tractor trailers to light-duty passenger vehicles.
Your drivers will receive hands-on, tailored instruction from our expert trainers, who will deliver the Safe & Smart® Principles of Defensive Driving curriculum in the same vehicles your drivers use on the job.
We’ll transform your internal staff into highly skilled trainers who can use our Safe & Smart® Principles of Defensive Driving curriculum to deliver driver training efficiently and cost-effectively.
Our veteran trainers will come to your location and use your choice of vehicles. You pick the date that works best, and we come to you!
We cover the topics and techniques to establish a proactive driver safety strategy. Using the key aspects of See, Decide, Act™ we believe any driver in any vehicle can improve their driving habits.
Call to schedule your on-site training! 833-982-1236
This program incorporates a comprehensive curriculum featuring the following training elements that your drivers will complete, or your in-house trainers will learn to deliver.
Drivers will be enrolled in our high-impact online training programs, which include Visual Search, Distracted Driving, Speed and Space Management, Night Driving, Hazard Perception, and more.
Featuring interactive discussions, this phase of the program reviews the content of the online courses to ensure drivers have a solid understanding of key training topics.
Gives your drivers the opportunity to apply their training—including close-quarter maneuvering, backing, braking and more—in a safe, closed-course environment with individual coaching from our trainers.
Your drivers will learn how to ensure their vehicle is operating safely by effectively conducting a thorough vehicle inspection on the types of vehicles they’ll be operating on the job.
Provides each of your drivers with one-on-one time with a trainer who will conduct a skills-based road test, including our Narrative Drive™ methodology, to assess their ability to properly operate the vehicle.
Whether we train your drivers directly or we’re certifying your in-house trainers, we have a team of veteran instructors who are skilled at training in all types of vehicles. These instructors combine our proprietary program methods with adult learning techniques to ensure maximum retention. And all of this is tailored for the specific needs of your operation. You'll be assigned a trainer who we've certified as highly qualified in training on the specific type of vehicles your company operates.
We’ll work with you to develop the most effective training program by evaluating your:
With our tailored program, your employees will be trained to keep your trucks running safely and efficiently. That’s the Safe & Smart difference!
Conducting training that prevents crashes is enhanced by the use of our Narrative Drive™ methodology. By asking the driver to narrate “What if?” questions and having them focus on defensive driving techniques, trainers can help drivers increase their time to make good decisions regarding their speed and space around other vehicles or hazards.”
“One of the best tools of a good driver trainer is the obstacle course. It offers an opportunity to expose complacent behaviors, such as proceeding without the driver fully recognizing the hazards that exist."
"Drivers who are overconfident may struggle with common driving skills, such as close-quarter maneuvering, or with making good decisions whether it’s safe to proceed.”
Plan to cover defensive driving topics at least once a year, or more often if you notice a need for refresher or corrective-action training.
Small Accidents, Big Trouble: Five Steps for Reducing High-Frequency Accidents
Getting drivers time behind the wheel in a safe environment is a critical element of any effective training program.
Road test requirements are designed to aid in vetting driver applicants, but your road test should do more than evaluate driving skill.
Our unique See, Decide, Act™ approach immerses drivers in realistic scenarios, ensuring they are prepared for any situation on the road. Our tailored training programs focus on specific skills or problem areas, making them ideal for any type of vehicle, from heavy-duty tractor trailers to light-duty passenger vehicles. Improve your fleet's driving performance and safety with our comprehensive, customizable training solutions today.
SEE the road clearly
DECIDE with precision
ACT with confidence
Discover the innovative Narrative Drive™ methodology in defensive driver training! By harnessing the power of "What if" questions, our program enhances hazard identification, visual search, decision-making, and prompt action. Engaging conversations and monologues keep drivers alert, ready for any potential surprises on the road. With the Narrative Drive™ methodology, drivers become proactive, recognizing hazards earlier, predicting others' actions, and staying more vigilant behind the wheel. Elevate your drivers’ skills with our cutting-edge defensive driver training today!
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